
Weight Watchers and Exercise

Coming soon... a leaner, more fit me! :)

Well, I hope so at least ;). I've started WeightWatchers back up and have been going to 5-6 classes of aerobics each week. I'm currently in my second week. I've done rather good with the WeightWatchers this last week and am quite proud of myself- in a good way :).

I had the most horrible experience with weighing in at aerobics- it's optional- but I decided to see what that nasty number was.... well it was pretty bad. And I've only agreed to write the number down in the "weight log" journal IF it has dropped at all by next Monday (the day for weigh-in each week). So even if it drops only 0.01 lbs, I'll log it.... I'm hoping for something more like a loss of 10 lbs! ;) hee hee....

I know it sounds like a lot for someone as short as me, but I'd like to lose upwards of 50-60 lbs. I can remember being at that goal weight, and I was happy then- and NOT thin, but NOT heavy. It was that perfect size :) for being toned and fit.

We'll see.... I just need to take it one step at a time. Day by day. As Elisabeth Elliott Gren says, "Just do the next thing."


Anonymous said...

Way to go Margaret!!! I haven't been on your site much, but now I will tag it as a favorite so I can be motivated by your exercising habits. Actually E & I just came back from water aerobics at the park. WOW! I was already sore from weights and tomorrow I'm sure I will be feelin' it again! Ttyl8r!
Britty (in KT)

Mag's Meaning said...

You're such an encourager, Brit! :) Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret, I just came to your site from Nigella.com and it looks great. I'm right behind you on the WW and exercising. I am signed up to WW online (although 10 days in France may scupper my attempts!) and am rejoining the gym to go to aerobics classes.

Gemma x

Mag's Meaning said...

Good for you, Gemma! :)I've lost 4 lbs so far! :)