
More Gift Ideas for Everyone's Favorite Gal ;)

Luxury... luxury... might I be so bold to say that word again.... LUXXXXURRYYYYY.....

Those are luxurious (my current favorite word) goose down (not feather!!) pillows and a silk (inside and out!) comforter.

They can be purchased for your favorite wife, sister, and friend (I'm all of those! ;)...) at www.plumeriabay.com

Have fun shopping for me, Loved Ones! :)

hee heee :)

Paisley Rug



O' Cal-i-forn-i-a

Well, I must admit it.... I was quite glad to be back in our home state after a 5-day trip to the Orange County area of California. The traffic wore me out... never an open highway and little town- seems like you've got to drive quite a ways out of Los Angeles for that.

One thing, though... the weather there is AWESOME, duuuuude!

We went out for My Love's brother's wedding. He's a lawyer in Orange---or is it Santa Ana? Can't remember- one of those two spots. We stayed at an inn in Santa Ana and ended up driving around quite a bit to different spots:

flew into LAX (will someone please inform me of what the X stands for???)
saw the bro-in-law's apt.
took some of th other little in-laws out with us to Laguna Beach for some great pics

Disneyland here we come-- um, went!
California Adventure (right next door)
Wedding Rehearsal- hung out with some great kids- especially Ashley- great fun TALKING :)
Back to Disneyland for a fun ride on Indiana Jones

Wedding in Santa Ana
Newport Beach with the sister and sis-in-law-soon-to-be-married
Roman Cucina for dinner- AWESOME... (What's there to celebrate??? "CHRISTOPHER'S NOT HEEEERE ANYMORRRE!!!! :)- it's an inside joke ;) )

Six Flags Magic Kingdom with another bro-in-law who's hanging out in California for the summer thru Oct. and another friend

Rejoicing for My Love as we head back home on our flight
Awful head and sinus pain for me as I suffer from air pressure and that now-HORRIBLE dry air...
Houston we are HOME!
Enjoy the open roads and wide expanse of green on the sides of the roads heading out of the big city into the hilly countryside


Just here to say that I'm dreaming about that Aztec Hot Chocolate from MarieBelle...


Another good item from MarieBelle

Another good gift idea for me...


MarieBelle Hot Chocolate

Calling all Chocolate connoisseurs...

You will love me for telling you about MarieBelle.


I found the adorable children's lunch box on sale at Anthropologie right around New Year's 2006. It proved to be one of the best purchases I ever made :). And the tin is so cute sitting atop my kitchen cabinets.

If anyone needs Christmas present ideas for me ;).... I like the Aztec Original Hot Chocolate :).

hint hint...


Avatar Frustrations


Anyone ever dealing with avatars having to be a certain size (namely 100x100 pixels) might under the frustration of not having a resizing capability on their computer...


So those pieces of artwork I uploaded were pics that I *wanted* to used as avatars....

Another piece of gorgeous artwork...

I love this piece of artwork...


Good Links

So I guess some might call this stealing...others might call it sharing/passing along great links :).

Found these at a blog I keep up with: www.sliceofpink.com


Have fun browsing. :)


Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You? :)

This test is more appropriate for me--- I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME! :)

You Are Rudolph
Sweet and shy, you tend to be happiest when you're making someone else happy.
Why You're Naughty: You sometimes stick that nose where it doesn't belong
Why You're Nice: Christmas would be a sad affair without you!
Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

What Kind of Meat Are You? :)

You Are Duck
Exotic and unusual, you are a bit of a rare bird - literally.You're known for being soft and succulent, though at times you can be a bit greasy.


Found this on my friend Rachel's site :).

You Are 51% Impulsive
You're quite impulsive, but you never are reckless.You qualify as a very spontaneous person, but you still know how to honor your commitments.And while responsibility doesn't come easy to you, having fun does!