
Realization of a Lifetime

A few days ago, I realized that *I alone* cannot figure out the way to live my life- like what things are okay and what things aren't (when it's not mentioned in the Bible). I realized- rather, God spoke to my heart- that it is only me allowing Christ to live in and through me that my life will turn out how it's supposed to. This realization comes after many many hours of trying to figure out what things are allowed in my life and what isn't. If something isn't supposed to be there, God will lead me to clean it up. If that makes any sense. Like the area of movies or music: I need to allow the Holy Spirit to show my heart when something isn't right. I don't figure these things out simply by making a list of how I'm going to live.

Hope this makes sense to at least one other person today. May it bless you, too.

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