
Sleep Deprivation and Other Preparations for Future Parenthood...

Dear Sister and I are caring for the most loverly little bunch of toddler girls this week while their parents enjoy a week of Hawaii :). It's been seven months since I've seen the girls and they've grown an incredible amount! They're just as precious and as whiny as ever ;).... But older sister Adeline keeps them in line and serves as their comforter and a good big sister most of the time- which is quite nice for dear sister and I- she has proven to be our little helper! :)

Last night was the first night of uneasy sleeping...even in a very very very comfortable bed :). All four of the girls seemed to make their way to my bedroom in the middle of the night for one reason or another: "I have to go potty," "It's too dark in my bathroom," "Hopey says there is wet blood in her nose... and she has boogers..." And each little person always had one tagging along to help explain their situation :). My my my.... shall all the nights be like this?

Their sweetness makes it all worth it :).

Today we make sugar cookies with sprinkles... like I promised last night :).

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