
I'm destined for doom...

Well, it looks like the Academy's rigorous and make-you-fail-or-quit PT might be even more rigorous and make-your-fail-or-quit than we thought! I've written up our daily 2-hour training schedule... basically 50 minutes of push-ups, sit-ups, squat-thrusts, crunches, and jumping jacks.... THEN- if that hasn't killed you yet... 30-45 minutes of pure running. And since My Love (who wishes to remain nameless in the world of the internet, aka the-world-of-who-knows-who's-reading-this) says that we are one, we are going to die *together* while training for the Academy's PT :).

I think I might actually lose that weight I've been trying- or thinking about trying- to drop for a while :). Mwaa haa haaaa.....

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