
Sittin' Pretty and The Amazing 5 Minute Tennis Ball!

I finally decided to get down on the ground to take pictures of Maximus. I seem to always make him look smaller than he is because I stand above him for his "photo shoots" ;) ha ha....

This is The Amazing 5 Minute Tennisball! Watch, before your very own eyes, this magnificent dog will destroy the ball iin less than 5 minutes! What a fantastic waste of money! :)

I did the worst thing possible just a minute ago.... I showed Maximus his own Vacuum Monster video- and he was convinced that there was another dog in the room with us ;)... uhhh... bad idea.... he's finally stopped barking and has gone back over to play with his shredded tennis ball.

Also, I took Maximus to the vet this morning. 28" tall, 87 lbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - it's Brittney and Christian! We were going to comment on your other blog with the cookies on it (because Christian liked the Trees cookies and the snowflake cookies*) but it did not allow anonymous comments! :( So we are posting here and we like the pictures of maximus - he is so big! Okay - update more sooon! - B & C