(Sample Picture from my newly uploaded Flickr pics)
I'm quite proud of myself :)... I finished organizing all the pictures on my computer, and then I uploaded about a zillion pictures onto my flickr site :). I'm so proud of myself ;)--- it's nice to mentally check something that big off of your list!
I started another blog the other day... one dedicated to homemaking... I was in a literary mood, so the first post seems rather---- stiff. So I think I'll go back and edit it. And then make it publicly known to people ;) hee hee... Sorry to all your loverly sisters that I shared it with and then you probably thought I was being goofily stuck up :).
And then as I was *trying* to falling asleep last night, it occured to me that keeping up with two blogs might prove difficult- and how much easier and more colorful it would be if I just posted everything onto one blog. But alas, I've decided to keep them separate, so that the homemaking blog is solely about homemaking :).
Off to send my mother all the Screaming Banshee e-cards from Hallmark.com, as she requested :). (She thought the Valentines Day Banshee card I sent to Justin was hilarious :)...)
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