
Time Flies

I've seriously got to be the worst blogger ever.

Hunter will be 2 on February 9th and then about a week after that we'll be having Baby #2 via c-section. I guess I should've updated at least the announcement of Baby #2's pregnancy quite a while back, huh??

Luckily we're having another boy. And I say "luckily" because we have upgraded from our huge 1 bedroom RV of 380 sqft to a huge 2 bedroom barn apartment of 700 sqft. So both boys can share a room for a long time. Long time being- no more than 2 years max, because if we can, we'd like to space the next baby two years after this upcoming one. And I firmly informed My Love that I do not want to have another baby while living in this little apartment. It's going to be hard enough trying to keep two small children quiet while dada works weird shifts.

Recently I've been obsessed- yes obsessed- with searching for baby items online. Things such as carseat adaptors and parent "consoles" for double strollers, custom infant car seat covers, Peanut Shell baby slings in certain designs in XL (which, btw, are hard to find...), Amy Butler fabric products on Etsy, etc.

I've been trying to eat more healthfully (I think that's the proper word to use here)-- actually it isn't really trying. It's more like I simply daydream about healthy salads during the night... weird. So it's been rather easy, then, to eat well during the day. I'm hoping this health kick lasts after the baby is born.

Hmmm this has been a rather weird post after having not posted for so long. I think my next post shall be of some pics of the pretties that I've received recently.
