Wow, it's been a little too long. So four months might not be a long time for some, but when it involves a little evolving life, it sure seems long! It's amazing how much Hunter has grown. He's such a chub chub. He's 4.5 months now and is mainly wearing 9 month clothing. I put a 3-6 month outfit on him the other day and his shirt wouldn't cover his poor little belly. I call him my Gus Gus :).
4 month checkup:
17 lbs 6 oz
26.25" long
The current chubster (and it's amazing how different he looks in each of these photos!-- he's got gorgeous blue eyes and we're not really sure about his hair color yet...):

The current chubster (and it's amazing how different he looks in each of these photos!-- he's got gorgeous blue eyes and we're not really sure about his hair color yet...):

Soooo, after following Slice of Pink's participation in the Whip It Up Challenge, I decided to try my hand at it!
This week's challenge is "A Holiday Food."
I've decided to peruse one of my British cookbooks. I think I might be obsessed with all things British. I have no idea why, so don't ask.