
Awesome Photographers

I think it's amazing when a photographer can make any picture look like a dream. I was searching for an excellent children's photographer that I had found online a few months ago. I ran across this photographer- I'm sure she wouldn't mind some publicity :) (not that I get that many viewers on my blog! ;) ha haa)

Sweet Baby Photos:

This just in: Found the site I was looking for...

Audrey Woulard:

Newly Discovered Old Stuff

"Walt Disney's Treasures: The Mickey Mouse Club's The Adventures of Spin and Marty"

David Stollery as "Marty" and Tim Cosindine as "Spin)

Currently Watching

Sight for Sore Eyes

Well I spruced things up around here- if you can tell :). What do you think about the new retro look? The header took me quite a while to fix up... Probably wasn't the best thing for my eyes- I get so focused that I forget to blink, then my eyes, which are already red and aching, burn even more. Oh well- the new layout is a Sight for Sore Eyes :)- pun intended.

The stomach flu seems to have been going around, and I had bad luck on Wednesday and caught it :P... It's Sunday now and I'm still recovering--- hope it doesn't take too much longer to get back into good spirits :). I'm hoping for a visit this next weekend from my brother and two good friends!

Since I'm recovering at home, and My Love has gone fishing for the day, I think I might draw up some good house plans... Something worth thinking about these days- with the hopes of buying land within in the next year.