Well, I must admit it.... I was quite glad to be back in our home state after a 5-day trip to the Orange County area of California. The traffic wore me out... never an open highway and little town- seems like you've got to drive quite a ways out of Los Angeles for that.
One thing, though... the weather there is AWESOME, duuuuude!
We went out for My Love's brother's wedding. He's a lawyer in Orange---or is it Santa Ana? Can't remember- one of those two spots. We stayed at an inn in Santa Ana and ended up driving around quite a bit to different spots:
THURSDAYflew into LAX (will someone please inform me of what the X stands for???)
saw the bro-in-law's apt.
took some of th other little in-laws out with us to Laguna Beach for some great pics
FRIDAYDisneyland here we come-- um, went!
California Adventure (right next door)
Wedding Rehearsal- hung out with some great kids- especially Ashley- great fun TALKING :)
Back to Disneyland for a fun ride on Indiana Jones
SATURDAYWedding in Santa Ana
Newport Beach with the sister and
sis-in-law-soon-to-be-marriedRoman Cucina for dinner- AWESOME... (What's there to celebrate??? "CHRISTOPHER'S NOT HEEEERE ANYMORRRE!!!! :)- it's an inside joke ;) )
SUNDAYSix Flags Magic Kingdom with another bro-in-law who's hanging out in California for the summer thru Oct. and another friend
MONDAYRejoicing for My Love as we head back home on our flight
Awful head and sinus pain for me as I suffer from air pressure and that now-HORRIBLE dry air...
Houston we are HOME!
Enjoy the open roads and wide expanse of green on the sides of the roads heading out of the big city into the hilly countryside